Our story makes us unique.

We're a brand that believes in living the dream. Traveling. Pushing the limits. Engaging with life at each contact point from product all the way to experience.  Live the Dream with us today. 

Our Mission & Core Values

Teton Gravity Research is a world leading brand in the outdoor action, adventure, and exploration space; both in active participation and in lifestyle. The brand represents, and is synonymous with a quality product. One that is edgy, authentic, entertaining, and impactful. Our product is our content, our merchandise, our physical properties and our tour events. At each interaction point TGR creates a sophisticated web of brand experiences that drive awareness, engagement, affinity, and most importantly, loyalty. TGR believers and followers have an expectation for quality, stunning visuals, meaningful stories, impactful and fun experiences, and quality products. 


Premium Lifestyle Brand

TGR seeks to build the premium action sports lifestyle brand. All products from our merchandise to branded content reflect this.


Environmentally Responsible

TGR strives to be environmentally responsible, and will work to effect change through example.


Stories Worth Sharing  

TGR produces the most cutting-edge action sports entertainment in the world.

Athletes Are Our Core

TGR’s athletes are essential to the brand, were the basis of the company’s founding, and represent the industry’s future.

Giving Back

And despite pushing boundaries, TGR also aims to tread lightly. Since its inception, the company has been committed to minimizing its impact on the environment and supporting a range of environmental initiatives, including  Protect Our WintersOne Percent for the PlanetBICEP, and the  Surfrider Foundation. Progression, after all, takes many forms. 

Our Founders

Steve Jones

"TGR represents fun—a lifestyle of adrenaline, evolution, and delving into the unknown. TGR showcases the most progressive riding on the planet through the most cutting edge production technology."

Todd Jones

"I always laugh when I think of our name, Teton Gravity Research. We are doing research. This has been one big experiment and we are constantly progressing what we are doing in laboratories around the world." 

For a full list of contacts per department- please visit our contact us page.